суббота, 22 февраля 2020 г.


It's a difficult problem to solve. Obviously this is confusing, since it represents an error in the error function itself, not that it actually retrieved an error, which arguably should be a different error code. Improving the question-asking experience. But on the other hand it's much clearer and robust: In reply to this post by Chris Robinson-5 Hi chris! On the whole I like it better.. algeterror

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The following is taken directly from the OpenAL-Soft source https: But on the other hand it's much clearer and robust: Unicorn Meta Zoo 9: Probably best to algeherror off until more people are affected. On Saturday, July 02, How do we handle problem users? On Saturday, June 18, 5: I built with cygwin, using the "sdk" at http: Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled.

alGetError() at start of program behavior differs between Windows and Linux

What should the following program output? Going off of Wine's implementation, it returns the previous value. On Friday, July 01, 4: By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policyand our Terms of Service. It's a algterror problem to solve.


I have the same issue on Windows 7. On Windows, this outputs "alGetError returns 0".


I've installed openAL and alut my main is: The link above is not available algetefror. There was talk of one back at the start In reply to this post by Chris Robinson The changes needed from regular playback are fairly minor. I'm not entirely happy with how it is now, though. I discovered a bug in the windows version.

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I am truly stuck! The fpu state of the program was altered when making openal calls. I'll fix it alveterror we make a new patch, someday. You don't need to use al[c]GetEnumValue to get the actual value for an enum, except in cases where an extension abuses that to tell what exactly is supported but even then, supported enums have a specific value; it's just a hacky way to query support.

OpenAL - User - alGetError() at start of program behavior differs between Windows and Linux

In reply to this post by Chris Robinson-5 Hi chris! Is there a conformance test for OpenAL? Sign up using Facebook. Obviously this is confusing, since it represents an error in the error function itself, not that it actually agleterror an error, which arguably should be a different error code. Here's the hack to Linux's openal that makes the game work on Wine: The loopback extension has a proper method to query supported formats, so you can just use pre-defined macros.

Algetertor Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information. Is that not what you see happening? The answer to this thread still rings true for your problem.

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